Do Your Pets Steal Each Other’s Food? You Need To Know About This Automatic Smart Feeder

Do Your Pets Steal Each Other’s Food? You Need To Know About This Automatic Smart Feeder

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⭐Do Your Pets Steal Each Other’s Food? You Need To Know About This Automatic Smart Feeder

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Do Your Pets Steal Each Other’s Food? You Need To Know About This Automatic Smart Feeder

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Caring for multiple pets can be challenging, especially during mealtime. One pet might be a grazer who nibbles at their food throughout the day, while another will immediately devour any food that’s within reach — even if it’s not their own. This can make it challenging to make sure everyone is eating enough, not to mention if one of your pets is on a specialized diet. Enter the PETLIBRO One, an innovative new automatic pet feeder that uses RFID technology and a seamless app to help ensure your pets only eat their own food.

Here’s what to know about this newly launched feeder (plus how to score 16% off right now).

Quick Highlights

  • Uses an RFID collar to identify its designated pet, prompting the food bowl’s lid to open when they approach
  • Companion app gives you real-time notifications and reports on your pet’s eating habits
  • App can also be used to pre-schedule feedings or dispense food in real time
  • Airtight container stores excess food until it’s ready to be dispensed

How It Works

The PETLIBRO One uses an RFID-enabled pet collar to sense when its designated pet approaches, prompting the lid of the food bowl to open. This ensures that the feeder will only open for its designated pet, so you can be sure that every one is eating the right food (and the right amount of it). The automatic food dispenser also features high sides that serve as a guard against any cheeky pets that may be waiting to steal a bite of their sibling’s food.

Depending on your pet’s habits, the food bowl’s lid can be customized to open and close more quickly or more slowly.

Like other PETLIBRO automatic feeders, this one connects directly to your Wi-Fi network and works with a companion app. You can choose to receive notifications every time your pet approaches the feeder. That way, you’ll know how often they’re eating each day, and how much.

If you won’t be home in time to feed your pet, you can create an automatic feeding schedule in advance, and customize how much food your pet gets. And, if your plans change unexpectedly, you can always dispense food remotely in real time while you’re away from home.

Designed to work with dry food, this feeder has an airtight container to store any excess kibble until it’s ready to be dispensed. As another helpful feature, you can customize the food tower’s LED lights to display your pet’s name. This is especially helpful if you have more than one feeder and want to make sure you don’t get them mixed up.

Is It Right For Your Pets?

One thing to keep in mind about this feeder: While it’s designed for people with multiple pets, each feeder can only be used for one pet. If you only have one grazer in the bunch, just getting a PETLIBRO One RFID Pet feeder for them might be sufficient — then you can continue to feed your other pets the old fashioned way, or with a simpler feeder. But if you need a PETLIBRO One for each pet in your home, it will be a bit of an investment up front. It also will take up more floor space.

If you’re looking for one feeder that can dispense food for multiple pets and aren’t as worried about food theft, PETLIBRO’s Granary Camera Feeder might be a better fit. This model has two food trays and uses a built-in camera that lets you monitor your pets’ eating habits (but it doesn’t have any ability to distinguish between pets).

The PETLIBRO One Pet Feeder is available for $149.99, but right now you can get 16% off when you use the code BDG24. The feeder comes in a sleek black colorway and includes the RFID pet collar you need to activate it.

This article was originally published on


Do Your Pets Steal Each Other’s Food? You Need To Know About This Automatic Smart Feeder

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