Israel Tourist Attractions – Top 5 Must See!

Israel Tourist Attractions – Top 5 Must See!

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✡️Israel Tourist Attractions – Top 5 Must See!

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Israel Tourist Attractions – Top 5 Must See!

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These 5 Israel tourist attractions should be at the top of your list when visiting Israel! Sites like Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and the Dead Sea are must-see iconic destinations.

Camel up at the mount of olives

Getting to see all of the Israel tourist attractions was incredible. To see and experience all these places I’d learned about in school, in religious studies, genuinely felt miraculous.

There was just something about being in the Holy Land, and being around others who’d sacrificed to come on this pilgrimage that meant so much to them.

I don’t count myself as a religious person, but I’m definitely interested in all religions and have an A-Level in Religious Studies (Christianity and Islam) to prove it. And so my trip to Israel was just fascinating.

Israel isn’t just an incredible country because of its tourist attractions and history though. The modern developments and amazing array of natural and manmade things to do there make it one of my favorite countries for activity and culture too.

Here are the five activities in Israel you should absolutely do on your trip to make sure you have a great time and hit all of the big Israel tourist spots.

1. What to see in Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv Beach with city skyline

Tel Aviv is a super cool city with a beach, summed up in a sentence. There are really cool shops, bars, and restaurants and it’s just got that cool vibe similar to Barcelona or Lisbon, drawing you in.

Most flights to Israel come into Tel Aviv so it’s a great place to start your trip and visit the tourist spots in Israel.

Make sure to visit Jaffa – for even more cool vibes, and hipster bars. The flea markets in Jaffa (Sunday market) are also a must to visit. This is a great spot to pick up some souvenirs from Israel.

Yarkon Park, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, and the Bialik House are all iconic tourist spots for visitors too.

Mainly though, depending on what you like, the beaches and the bars.

2. See the Old City of Jerusalem

View of city of Jerusalem with people walking around

You absolutely cannot visit Israel without going to the Old City of Jerusalem, within Jerusalem. I spent the day there and went to the Mount of Olives, saw the Wailing Wall, and wandered the fascinating streets.

There is SO much incredible history around here, it was amazing to see the actual place names I’d grown up learning in my religious studies.

You really need to go to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre too. It’s the most important church in the world for Christians and Jews as it’s where it’s believed Jesus was crucified.

Make sure to go to the super cool Machane Yehuda Market too. You’re going to love the food in Israel by the way, there’s a real multicultural scene there to enjoy.

3. Explore Galilee

Two people standing on a mountain with a nice view

One of my favorite activities in Israel was ATV driving around Galilee. It was one of the best experiences of my life. It was awesome!

We were out for hours and drove around Upper Galilee, the Hula Lake, the Jordan River, and a few hidden caves and brooks the average eye would never find. Our leader let us go SO fast, I loved it.

Galilee is where Jesus is said to have walked on water. Visit and I’m afraid you won’t find Jesus, but you will find beautiful lush landscapes with historic sites, and quaint rural villages. A beautiful contrast with Tel Aviv.

Just a few centimeters from the precipice of the hills of Galilee, my ATV guide was encouraging me to climb higher. I was now responsible not only for myself and the vehicle but also my new friend Jodie who’d placed her trust in me for survival. The range of expletives coming from my mouth showed her this was a silly decision.

I was attempting to traverse the boulders and rocks in the way of me reaching my guide while the epic drop was threatening me below. I swear the rocks were bigger than it shows on the video, I just didn’t film that bit.

Riding an ATV Razor Bar in Galilee

Going ATV driving in Galilee was definitely one of the most exhilarating things I did on my trip to Israel. I’ve driven on the sand dunes in Egypt but this was something else.

I got up to 80km/h in my race with our guide and definitely could’ve beaten him if I was just a touch more competitive. Which I’m not.

As you can see from my little film, I was filthy and covered in dust by the end, but happy and feeling free.

READ MORE: How to Spend a Week in Jordan

4. Float in the Dead Sea

A person floating in the dead sea

The Dead Sea is famous as the Earth’s lowest place on land, it’s also famous for where you can float on top of the Dead Sea waters as they’re so salty, they’re buoyant.

The water there is said to have healing powers as it’s so full of minerals. The Dead Sea in Israel is one of the most famous tourist sites. Unfortunately, when I visited I didn’t make it here, but it’ll be number one on my list for my next visit to Israel.

Floating in the Dead Sea is a dream!

5. Visit The Eilat Underwater Observatory

Underwater picture of fish

Eilat is on the Red Sea, one of the absolute best places to visit if you like snorkeling and scuba diving.

Visit Eilat in Israel and you’ll see colorful coral reefs and beautiful fish swimming right on by.

If you’re a bit nervous about going in the water by yourself, then check out the impressive Eilat underwater observatory, where everyone can find Nemo, (or a similar fish).


Israel Tourist Attractions – Top 5 Must See!

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